White clothes turned yellow? Learn how to remove these stains

White clothes, although they are the preferred option for many people, are pieces that get dirty very easily. You know those yellow stains that make clothes look old and dirty? So, see below a homemade recipe to lighten your White clothes. After this tip, you will be able to use and abuse your clear pieces.

How to remove stains from light parts

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Now there will be no more excuses for not wearing white clothes due to yellow stains.

It is common to see people using bleach as a solution to whiten white clothes. Even, in addition to it, is added the washing powder. However, this mixture is not at all effective, as one product cancels out the effect of the other.

That's why we've separated a super simple and easy homemade recipe for you to make and finally lighten your light wardrobe items.

Before saying the exact amount of each ingredient, it already separates pen and paper for you to write down exactly what you will need.

Sodium bicarbonate, vinegar and washing powder of your choice are the miracle items needed.

It is also worth mentioning that, for this recipe, the ideal is to use a washing machine. In addition to saving you physical effort, the result will be much better.

Check below for more details of this recipe and, later, how to apply it:


  • 4 tablespoons of soap powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate;
  • 100 ml of alcohol vinegar.

Application mode

First, it is necessary to remember that this process will be done entirely in a washing machine. Therefore, take the three ingredients mentioned above and place them in the machine's dispenser.

Then choose the option where there is a possibility that the clothes will be soaked for at least 2 hours. After the wash cycle is finished, you will be in disbelief at the result. Your clothes will be as white as in the store.

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