Chamber approves "homeschooling" and revolts unions

This Wednesday, the 18th, the law that grants parents the possibility of opting for a home-based educational method, the famous homeschooling.

A vote it ended with 264 votes in favor and 144 votes against, and, still on the 19th, the necessary readjustments in the basic text were already carried out.

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O PL approved develops practices on how to implement homeschooling on Brazilian soil, which is one of the guidelines listed by the current president in his government. From now on, the plan will be forwarded to the Senate.

However, there are those who do not agree with the practice approved by the Chamber, as they consider it harmful some of its possible consequences, such as, for example, the lack of communication with the other students. Some student organizations support, among themselves, their concepts about the new PL 2.401/2019, claiming that such attitude is totally out of the real Brazilian need, with an already weak educational system and without resources.

For them, the time to invest in regular, traditional education is now, and an approval like this would not be a priority within such a critical scenario. “The project is totally disconnected from the urgencies of students and Brazilians”, they say. And they continue to affirm that the regular school is one of the best allies in the formation of the individual, both to raise their critical vision and to leverage their plural vision in society.

According to the National Confederation of Workers in Education, it analyzes it as follows: “homeschooling is an anachronistic agenda and without technical foundations, proposed as a counterpoint to the emptying imposed by the government on the budget of the Ministry of Education. It also aims to please a small portion of society that despises the importance of school for the citizenship education of children and young people, especially to promote respect for differences and expand knowledge based on different theories epistemological”.

In addition, in a note, the National Campaign for the Right to Education recalls that, according to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), it has already agreed to be unconstitutional. “In these unanimous judgments, the justices recognized the political-pedagogical missions of formal education, a duty imposed on the State to address persistent patterns of violence, exclusion and discrimination against minorities, moving away from the argument that the interest of country".

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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