Can people who do not have paid work contribute to the INSS?

A very common doubt among the population concerns the fact that many people do not have a paid occupation, and even so they wish to contribute to the INSS to guarantee the rights pensions, such as retirement, sickness benefit, among others.

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The answer to this question is that yes, it is possible to contribute to the INSS, even if you are not in paid employment. And for that, you need to pay the Social Security Guide (GPS) on a monthly and optional basis.

To contribute to GPS, you must be over 16 years old, and it serves unemployed people, housewives, students, among many others who wish to have their rights guaranteed. The contribution can be made on top of a minimum wage – R$ 1,212 – up to the ceiling, which is R$ 7,087.22.

The GPS is generated on the INSS website, where you must fill in the required information, and for that you must inform the PIS/PASEP number. Therefore, if you don't have it, you need to register with the INSS beforehand.

Guides overdue for less than six months can be paid, but interest is charged, and a new copy must be generated in the Meu INSS application. In case of delays of more than six months, the benefits are lost by the insured.

When registering, a payment code must be entered. See all the options below:

  • 1929 – Optional low-income tax payer
    For taxpayers who earn less than two minimum wages. In this case, the contribution is 5% on top of the minimum wage, that is, R$ 60.60 per month.
  • 1473 - Optional taxpayer
    For those who do not perform any paid activity. In this case, the contribution is 11% on top of the minimum wage, that is, R$ 133.32 per month.
  • 1406 - Optional taxpayer
    For the same group as before, except that here the contribution is 20% on top of the minimum wage, or it can be paid on top of larger amounts, up to the ceiling of R$ 7,087.22. In this case, the beneficiary can also retire for contribution time.

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