After veto, negotiation of debts with discounts of up to 99% is under discussion again

Employment and education go hand in hand. However, obtaining training is often quite expensive. One way around this, temporarily, is through the student finance. However, you have to be careful, because although it is a way out, some citizens cannot comply with all payments due to financial difficulties, having to seek alternatives such as renegotiation.

Check out more information about debt negotiation with discounts of up to 99% that are under discussion again.

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Read more: New law allows the renegotiation of FIES debts

Negotiation on existing Fies debts

Law 14.375/22, which came into force on June 22, resulting from Provisional Measure 1090/21, authorizes the renegotiation of student debt with the Student Financing Fund (Fies) in contracts closed before the second half of 2017. Deputies and senators approved the proposal, but President Jair Bolsonaro vetoed it.

about the veto

The rejected paragraph established that the discounts granted in the Special Regularization Program would not be recorded in the calculation bases of Income Tax, CSLL, PIS/Pasep and Cofins.

Among the reasons given, the government maintains that the device is “unconstitutional and contrary to the public interest” for requiring the waiver of revenues without due budgetary compensation, as required by the Fiscal Responsibility Law.

But what is Fies?

Administered by MEC (Ministry of Education), Fies is a higher education access scheme. Through it, students can apply for full or partial funding of the monthly fee for a course of their choice, paying the cheapest monthly fee, or only after completing college.

Will discounts of up to 99% be possible?

Under the new law, students with debts overdue for more than 90 days from the date of announcement of the measures (December 30 2021) can enjoy a 12% discount on cash payments or settle their debts in up to 150 months without interest and fines.

In addition, according to surveys, discounts in these cases are reaching up to 92% for debtors listed in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). This is an excellent percentage, however, it does not correspond to the 99% foreseen in the new renegotiation project.

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