New measures for the MEC may be announced by Lula

On the last day 2, Thursday, the Minister of MEC (Ministry of Education), stated that President Lula (PT) will announce new measures for the area soon. In an interview with CNN Brasil, Camilo Santana indicated what measures will be taken by the government for the year 2023. This is an area prioritized by the government during the first months after taking office. In addition to new projections, old projects that have not been conceived in recent years will be viable.

In January, Camilo informed what would be the four measures of the Federal Government for national education. The plan included new nurseries, full-time school, elementary and high school, and strengthening the structure of universities. The works of municipal school institutions will be resumed as a priority, indicated in January and affirmed by the minister last week.

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Lula's Project for Education

According to the minister, one of the issues that will be prioritized is the resumption of unfinished works by the MEC. In all, there are more than 4,000 projections that have not been completed and to expand resources so that schools can guarantee full study. “Today we have resources from the MEC, from the BNDES, we have resources from the states, we need to do a good governance of this.”

The full-time school structure will allow institutions to establish connections, expand resources for school lunches to. Resources within the classroom will be aimed at investing in children's literacy and readjustments in scholarships for students.

The MEC minister informed that he approves the new educational system in Brazil and informed that there is the intention to approach new proposals to be approved in Congress in order to link the projects to Education.

“We already approved it in health, we already have it in safety, and we are behind on that, it is a way of creating a single system, a federative pact, a collaboration regime between states, municipalities and the federal government", said Camilo Santana.

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