New benefit of R$2,400 is released by Lula (PT); check who is entitled

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The Ministry of Agrarian Development announced the granting of an emergency benefit of up to R$ 2,400 for families who live in cities hit by the drought in Rio Grande do Sul. A total of 10,000 family groups should receive R$ 24 million.

According to the ministry, the intention is to reduce the impacts of the drought on residents and producers in the region. Payment will be made in up to two installments, and the amount of the benefit is not fixed, and may vary according to the profile of the affected families.

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Who will have access to this payment?

Families registered in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), whether or not they are Bolsa Família beneficiaries, will be entitled to receive this benefit. The amounts will be paid through the program card. “We are going to serve 10,000 families, including Indians, Quilombolas and small farmers”, said the Minister of Social Development, Wellington Dias.

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The announcement was made after a meeting with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), last Wednesday (22). “For low-income farmers, we are going to work with transfers, without loans,” said Dias.

Anticipation Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família will be brought forward in March for families residing in places that have been affected by heavy rains and natural disasters. The measure will cover all beneficiaries who live in areas that have had a state of calamity or public emergency announced. The transfer will be unified and will take place on March 20, the first day of payment.

March Bolsa Família Calendar

The anticipation of the benefit will only be for families that live in these places affected by the rains. Thus, the other beneficiaries will receive on the dates already disclosed.

  • 03/20 – Final of NIS 1;
  • 21/03 – Final of NIS 2;
  • 03/22 – Final of NIS 3;
  • 03/23 – Final of NIS 4;
  • 03/24 – Final of NIS 5;
  • 03/27 – Final of NIS 6;
  • 03/28 – Final of NIS 7;
  • 03/29 – Final of NIS 8;
  • 03/30 – Final of NIS 9;
  • 31/03 – Final of NIS 0.

To consult the benefit just call

  • Call Center 111 – Caixa Econômica Federal;
  • Call Center 121 – Ministry of Citizenship.

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