Chinese military powerhouse: AI artillery test capable of hitting people at 10 miles

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A artificial intelligence (AI) it is catching up with the Chinese military and has the potential for new military power. This time, the China made use of technology to improve the accuracy of long-range artillery. This measure makes costs and investments even lower.

The information comes from researchers working in the technological field for the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Tests have been taking place since July 2022 and have the potential to reach a person 16 km away.

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China uses artificial intelligence for weapons purposes

The technology uses a laser guided by artificial intelligence and has shown positive results.

The tests achieved a higher expectation than expected and surpassed the quality of a traditional cannon, as the scientists' research showed. Artificial intelligence reaches several sectors and China's military power has been enhanced by this technology.

According to research leader and member of the Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor Wang Jiang, AIs they are correcting errors that were noticed along the way and this applies to any area of ​​life human.

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China's war potential has been enhanced

Traditional artillery firepower is capable of reaching about 100 meters, equivalent to 320 feet. Guided artillery can change course during launch and is already used by the United States, China and other major countries.

As much as it is the last resort for the area, accuracy has been limited over time and has to rely on variants available at the time of launch, such as wind, air pressure and temperature, making artillery error to happen.

This is the method used by mathematics, as indicated by the researcher.

The AI ​​method ensures speed in data processing, as reported by the project leader. After a bomb is dropped, the data is quickly analyzed and uses environmental components so that the course is adjusted if the target object moves.

Following the same direction, China and the United States are developing artillery through artificial intelligence and this condition reduces the costs of war.

Projectiles that rely on artillery have a reduced price compared to the value of the missile. The US invested $66 million in a manufacturer for the GPS-guided intelligence munitions, with the potential to range up to 40 km.

China released, during the same period, the images of a shot affecting a distant car, with the use of artificial intelligence and shows that it has improved the resources to decrease the costs of war and the accuracy of the range.

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