SEDUC: school menu is now available for the school year!

It is now available on the website from the Department of Education (Seduc) this year's School Meals Menu for Rio Grande do Sul. In all, around 800,000 students will receive school meals. The government operates the Merenda Melhor Program in collaboration with the National Food School (PNAE).

School meals are part of the routine of thousands of students at public institutions. Many of them even eat only when they are in the school environment and participate in moments of recreation. The greater investment for this year and the dissemination of the menu online indicates responsibility towards students.

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The online menu allows everyone to have access to what will be offered in schools to accompany the investment and development of students' food. As advised by Elaine Bif, technician of the School Feeding and Nutrition Advisory at

Seduce, disclosure is also part of what is required by the PNAE law.

SEDUC announces greater investment for the year 2023

Since 2022, the government had already invested a considerably higher amount for state school meals. The transfer included an investment of R$ 60 million from PENAE and R$ 130 million from the Merenda Melhor Program. We considered R$ 1.16 per student with a meal.

Previously, each school received R$0.66 for each student with only one meal: R$0.30 from the government and, in partnership, R$0.36 from the National School Meals Program (PNAE). Now, it will be R$ 0.36 from the PNAE and R$ 0.80 from the government, considering a 166% increase per student meal.

Menu prepared by nutritionist

The menu is prepared by Seduc's professional nutritionists, respecting the possibilities of diseases that may exist in the school due to the needs of the students. Students with hypertension, diabetes, anemia, intolerance to lactose or any other type of food and allergies are considered. In addition to the physical conditions that may exist, the diets of indigenous and quilombola communities are respected.

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