For many people, finding a snake in their home, even in their backyard, would be one of the worst things that could happen to them. However, many of us fail to do the basics when it comes to how to keep snakes out of the backyard. That's because there is a specific habit that most people do, but which is extremely dangerous!
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Don't do this or you'll have snakes in the house
Brazil is a country with several species of snakes, most of which pose a significant danger to our lives. Precisely for this reason, we often see news in the newspapers of snakes being found in backyards or residential areas, especially if urban areas have contact with forests.
However, did you know that there is a specific habit that could be attracting snakes to your yard? In this case, several experts point out that leaving animal feed in the backyard overnight will increase the chances of a snake appearing in your home. Still, most people don't know this information.
In this case, the rations that we give to our domestic animals are extremely attractive to snakes for several reasons. For starters, these products are made with a strong odor that can be smelled many meters away by animals. In addition, it has large protein reserves and snakes love them.
What to do if I find a snake in my backyard?
Let's say you ended up forgetting to put away the pet food and came across a snake in your backyard. In that case, the first step is not to panic and keep your pets away from the wild animal, for their own safety. Afterwards, keep your distance and lock all entrances to your home.
Finally, you must call the Fire Department or any other environmental control body to properly rescue the animal. Also, do not try to capture the snake, as this will be very dangerous. Certainly trained professionals will know how to deal better with this situation.