Learn to Create a 'Rejuvenating Environment' with Feng Shui

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When creating a bedroom layout based on Feng Shui, it is essential to consider the furniture arrangement, the position of the bed, the location of mirrors and other decorative elements. All of this will directly influence receiving the energies in your room.

The objective, certainly, is to create a harmonious and balanced environment, which promotes a sensation of calm and tranquility, since the maintenance of itsyouthcomes from this room, which needs to be very comfortable.

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The bedroom layout for Feng Shui

According to holistic interior designer Anna Lippett, a crucial aspect of defining a bedroom layout based on Feng Shui is being clear about the space's intent.

When considering the needs of different people involved in the project, it is important to question: “How do you want to feel in the bedroom?”

1. the position of the bed

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In Feng Shui, the bed is the central element of the bedroom and should be placed in a position that allows a clear view of the door, but not directly in line with it.

This symbolizes security and protection. It is also recommended to avoid having the bed under a window, as this can interfere with the quality of sleep.

According to expert Anna's guidelines, it is recommended to position the bed in what he calls the "command position". This implies placing it diagonally in relation to the door, so that it is possible to see the entrance to the room without being directly aligned with it.

2. Mirrors away from the bed

According to Feng Shui experts, the use of mirrorsin the bedroom can be favorable as long as they are positioned properly.

The water element associated with mirrors represents the reflection and amplification of energy, so it is It is recommended to avoid placing a mirror facing the bed in order to preserve the quality of the sleep.

3. A small table on each side of the bed.

When creating a bedroom layout following Feng Shui principles, symmetry plays an important role. Symmetry is known to create a sense of balance and serenity in interior design, and this applies to Feng Shui as well.

While there is some debate about the nightstand rule, many Feng Shui practitioners believe that having two nightstands can promote energy balance in your romantic life.

4. Attention to decorative elements

The placement of personal items and art in the bedroom can play a significant role in the energy flow and atmosphere of the room.

According to holistic interior designer Anna, one suggestion is to display personal items and photos in the right corner of the space or room upon entering.

This specific area is considered important in Feng Shui, as it is related to the sector that affects love and relationships.

5. Office needs to be away from the bedroom

The bedroom needs to be a space dedicated to rest, relaxation and intimacy. The ideal Feng Shui bedroom layout does not include an office desk.

This is because the office desk represents work and life. career, and having this element in the same environment where tranquility and rest is sought can generate excess stimulation and interfere with the energy of the bedroom.

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