5 times Pepsi created controversial and controversial commercials

We all know how much to do advertising it can be a risk, as you never know for sure how the public will react. However, these controversial Pepsi commercials had predictable problems that generated a huge revolt on the part of the spectators. Check out!

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Pepsi's Most Controversial Commercials

Because of these commercials, Pepsi gained the reputation of being a company that does not value diversity and human rights. In all cases, it was necessary to immediately remove the content of these advertisements from television, but the internet did not let these scenes fall into oblivion.

Pepsi commercial with Kendall Jenner

In 2017, Pepsi decided it was time to talk about world peace. To that end, they cast celebrity Kendall Jenner in a controversial commercial. In the case, there is a scene of a civil protest against guidelines such as racism and xenophobia, and as a solution to conflicts, Kendall appears and hands a can of Pepsi to a policeman.

In this case, the idea would be to propose that small acts can change the world, but certainly offering a can of Pepsi will not end serious problems. As a result, the brand has upset racial rights advocates, police advocates, and a host of other groups.

“Drink Pepsi to get thin”

In the 1950s, Pepsi offered a solution for women who wanted to lose weight: drinking soda. In fact, the ad suggested that women stop eating and drink only soft drinks. In that case, it goes without saying how sexist and problematic that might sound.

Commercial with Cindy Crawford

In 1992, Pepsi invited supermodel Cindy Crawford to appear in a commercial where she appeared seductively drinking a can of soda. In the video, some teenage boys were watching her, but in the end it was clear that they were interested in the new soda design. However, either way, the model was being very sexualized.

The controversy with Madonna

Madonna signed a partnership with Pepsi where she would present, together with the company, her new clip in a commercial. However, who would have thought that the video was for the song “Like a Prayer”, in which the Queen of Pop sensualized next to a black Jesus. To make matters worse, in the commercial Madonna appeared singing the song alongside some children.

Mountain Dew commercial

For those who don't know, Mountain Dew is a sub-brand of Pepsi, which had a commercial in which a woman needed to recognize her attacker at a police station. However, the “assailant” was a goat who spoke common US black male slang. So, the commercial generated revolt and it had to be taken off the air.

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