A stutter it is a speech disorder, with that, its normal flow is affected, interfering with fluency. However, it cannot be caused by underlying conditions and may be related to nervousness. In this way, this condition can be treated, including new robots that promise to help in the evolution of these people's speech. See how they work below.
Read more: Childhood Stuttering: What Must Be Done to Help Children Who Stutter
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Interaction robots promise to help in the treatment of stuttering
The so-called sociable robots are great candidates to work with stuttering treatment tools, assuming the role of helpers. To corroborate the information, recent studies have positively evaluated this novelty for clinical use.
In this scenario, robots are an advantageous alternative because they have a physical presence. In this way, they manage to stand out when compared to Artificial Intelligence applications and programs.
stuttering problems
Unfortunately, people with this disorder end up being affected in a negative way. As a result, they can develop low self-esteem and anxiety, especially when asked to speak in public. Parallel to this, Torrey Loucks, former director of research at the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR), states that improving these people's speech improves their personal image, as well as showing that these individuals are communicators efficient.
A little more about sociable robots
Robots excel in tasks that are repetitive and can be programmable and adaptable to the specifics of each patient. Furthermore, surveys report that individuals prefer social robots as technologies like tablets and smartphones are not as fun and interactive.
It is important to emphasize that robots will not replace doctors and speech therapists, contrary to what many people think. That is, they will only add to the quality of treatment by supporting the need for more exercise time, helping and reaching a greater number of people.