Meet the first deaf student to become a graduate Master

Former professor at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Darlene Seabra de Lira, was the first deaf graduate student to defend a master's thesis that was translated into Libras, which is the Brazilian sign language, at the University of Santarém, west from Pará.

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The title of master in education was received by her on September 13, being a much celebrated achievement. Her research was titled “Public policy for bilingual education (Libras/Portuguese) in Santarém — Pará: what the deaf signal”. In addition to becoming a master, she is also achieving a very important milestone related to the inclusion of deaf people in Santarém.

She went through countless challenges, such as being present in the classroom, participating in the disciplines, carrying out some projects with certain success in order to achieve the passing grades, in addition to going to the field to collect some data necessary for this dissertation, which became some challenging questions for the student. And all this effort made by her was worth it, thus bringing her approval on the day of her thesis defense.

In order to reach the conclusion part of her work, the new master had to interact with deaf students as well, seeking to understand how it was their education, or rather, how was the entire educational process of the students, from their basic education to higher education.

According to the dissertation advisor, Professor Ednea Carvalho, the work showed how different the form of education is between people who are inclusive and what bilingual education is. “These parameters are not the same thing. In Santarém, sometimes, this doubt arises between what is inclusive education and what is bilingual education”, she said.

The teacher also highlights Darlene, who did interviews with the deaf, which ended up generating a question as well.

“Based on epistemology, she sought out authors who discussed this, such as Ana Regina de Souza Campelo, who works at the National Institute of Education for the Deaf and was on the defense. It is important to understand how this process takes place and how, unfortunately, here in Santarém, we still have this lack of affirmation of public policy for the deaf in our municipality”, she completed.

Still according to information from Ednea, guiding work on this topic was a very incredible opportunity and will also be, in a way, unforgettable for everyone who participated. “It is a great satisfaction to be able to honor a project of this nature. It was a privilege, me as a supervisor and Professor Edilan Quaresma as a co-supervisor”, finished.

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