Testual Linguistics. Textual Linguistics in Italian

When you speak in linguistica testuale subito si ricorda di alcuni concetti comes: competenza testuale, principle costitutivi di un testo, principle regolativi, tipi di testi, and sicuriously si ricorda sul concetto di I test. At the moment, get acquainted with a southern concept of competenza testuale. / When talking about text linguistics, one immediately remembers some concepts such as: textual competence, constitutive principles of a text, regulatory principles, types of texts and, of course, remember about the concept of text. For now, you will know a little about the concept of textual competence.

Puntata! / Tip!

It is possible to access the site altri testi sull'argomento come: "Elementi coesivi di a testo”, “Element of the testO", "I began essenziali di a buon testo”, “Parti costitutive di a testo”, “Principi regolativi di un testo”. / You can access other texts on the subject on the website, such as: “Elementi coesivi di un testo”, “Elementi di un testo”, “I principle essenziali di a buon testo”, “Parti costitutive di a testo”, “Principi regolativi di un testo” test".

Secondo gli autori Maurizio Dardando and Pietro Trifone alla loro “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica” competenza testuale means: “... the competence of the native speaker (due to an individual who has the mother tongue, per esempio, Italian) is the capacity of identify and produce the correct phrase, from the point of view of the governor of the language (in our case in the language Italian).” / According to the authors Maurizio Dardando and Pietro Trifone, in their “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”, textual competence means: ‘ ...the competence of the native speaker (that is, of an individual whose mother tongue, for example, Italian) is the ability to identify and produce correct sentences, from the point of view of the rules that govern the language (in our case, the language Italian).’

Vedi sotto alcuni punti importanti sulla competenza testuale da essere osservati con attenzione: / See below some important points about textual competence to be carefully observed:

Competenza testuale del parlante in qualsiasi lingua madre: / Textual competence of the speaker in any mother tongue:

- sapere riconoscere if a phrase qualsiasi appariene oppure in alla your mother tongue; / - know how to recognize if any sentence belongs or not to your mother tongue.

- sapere riconoscere if a sentence qualsiasi is grammatical oppure in, if per esempio, the verb fa concordanza col soggetto de la sentence; / - know how to recognize if any sentence is grammatical or not; if, for example, the verb agrees with the subject of the sentence;

- sapere produrre, riprodurre ed interprete numerose phrase; / - know how to produce, reproduce and interpret countless sentences;

- sapere to assume a sentence, a proposition or a test of correct way. / - know how to summarize a sentence, a period or a text correctly.

From here to the chapter i diversi punti su cos’è the competenza testuale, if it is conclusive with the conclusion of Dardano and Trifone: “...competenza testuale possiede alcuni elementi in più: foreguard the capacity of ricotruire l'unità di a testo, di paraphrasarlo, di riassumerlo, di assegnargli un title, di riconoscere if it is complete oppure no, if gli manca qualcosa, di classify it. (...) The competenza testuale permette di distinguishre, fin dalle prime parole ascoltate the fin dalle prime righe lette, of which type of testo di tratta.” / After having understood the various points about what textual competence is, it can be concluded as Dardanus and Triphone concluded: ‘...textual competence has some more elements, referring to the ability to recognize the unity of a text, to paraphrase it, to summarize it, to give it a title, to recognize whether it is complete or not, if something is missing, of sort it out. (...) Textual competence makes it possible to distinguish, from the first words heard or the first lines read, which type of text it is’.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/linguistica-testuale.htm

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