Young woman receives VIP treatment when traveling alone on a plane during the pandemic

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Can you imagine receiving exclusive and VIP treatment from the entire flight team on a trip? That's what happened to a 28-year-old British woman on the 17th of July. She was the only passenger on a Ryanair flight between Spain It is England.

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Due to the absence of other passengers, the young woman received VIP treatment. The five flight attendants assisted the passenger, who still had plenty of space available.

The British newspaper Daily Mail interviewed the solo traveler. Nadine Liu was startled to realize that she was alone on the plane. “I arrived at the departure gate and found no one else there,” she told the paper.

She even adds that she was worried when she realized that no one else would accompany her. “I was a little worried, thinking I had gone to the wrong gate. So I asked a woman if I was in the right place for the flight from Liverpool and she said yes.”

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The Boeing 737-800 has a capacity of 189 passengers and took Liu alone to Liverpool. “The lady at the counter told me, by the way, you are the only person on the flight. I thought she was joking, but it turned out she was serious.”

"Unique experience"

The traveler said that the experience was unique and that she was able to take full advantage of the exclusive care. "It felt like a private jet, although I've never been on one before."

She still had the right to choose the armchair she thought was most suitable. The seat was 18A, but because she was the only one, she chose the most spacious one on the plane. The company did not comment on the event, but Liu felt very welcome.

“The five cabin crew were very friendly and one of them told me it was the first time she had been on a plane with a passenger in her 15 years with Ryanair,” she emphasised.

The flight lasted two and a half hours and the ticket costs an average of 50 pounds. Ryanair is one of the most popular airlines in Europe and offers routine travel at a good cost.

However, the absence of passengers can be justified by the restriction measures in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The country is undergoing a slow easing of the norms of social life.

On the day of Nadine's flight, passengers coming from high-risk locations (such as Spain) had to comply with quarantine. This was probably the reason that resulted in the Englishwoman's exclusive private trip.

In addition, European airlines are obliged to carry out certain flights. The reason is to guarantee a certain percentage of usage of your slots. Although it is not possible to specify the reason for Nadine's solo flight, "ghost flights" happened during the pandemic.

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