Learn to understand the types of toxic friendships around you

We are used to hearing that friends are the family we choose. These are the people we want to be around for good times and bad. A ratio of friendship it should be healthy and light, not something that gives us a headache or that crosses certain boundaries and becomes abusive or even violent.

However, as in any type of relationship involving people, there islots of exceptions and cases negative friendships. It is through certain types of friends that we begin to see how toxic a relationship can be, and with that, we learn to recognize them to get rid of these situations as quickly as possible. By following some tips, your life will become lighter and more peaceful once you eliminate these negative relationships.

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Before you're welcome, OK point out that a study recentpublished for the American Journal of Sociology found what they existstandardsbehavioral

that can indicatefriendshipstoxic. Furthermore, second you scientists, The aggression and the bullying are more present among friends than in occasions with strangers.

Read more: How to use emotional intelligence to build truer and stronger friendships

How to recognize and eliminate your toxic friendships?

The scientists realized what it's easier victimize A person for to win popularity or to reachothergoal when the target é somebodynext, or it is, a friend. Forstart, if you already suspicious what he hasfriendshipsharmful, it needs learn The to leave beside the fearand impose certain Limitsforpranks and actions. You have to make your voice heard and respected too.

One conversationsincerehe mustto allowwhat the other person understand andrespect your presence It is limitations.If this is not possible, the recommendation é cutthe friendshipstoxicfrom the your lifebecause they will to harm your health mental.

friends for convenience

The searchshowedwhata characteristic of these “friends”é O focusinto dofriendshipsjustincase in interest.That means what the relations toxicgenerallyThey emerge in a necessity, which is usually material.

If you feel that your friendit isdoingsomethingwithyou, it's better to rethink the relationship what youbuilt.the friendships should be permanent, without need in togglein betweenutilities for exist.Just be close inpeopletalkingIt issharingexperiences in life, rgo or to spendsome time àfor nothing enough.if not this one whatever, stayconnected.

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