See 3 options to earn money online without leaving home

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Since 2020, the country has been experiencing a crisis in the employability sector, and a good part of the population have to turn around either to guarantee their livelihood or earn an extra income to be able to have a comfort.

With the evolution of the internet, today it is easier to have a business without leaving home. And that's what we brought here for you, tips on how to make money online without having to leave your home.

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You can open a clothing store or thrift store

If you have a lot of clothes in your wardrobe that are in good condition, you can start your store there. Many people sell used clothes on the internet, and there are many websites for that.
But if you prefer to sell new clothes, you will need to look for some suppliers and study a little of the market to find out what the trends are.

You can teach online

If you are good at something, you can start teaching online. There is always someone looking to learn about something, and if you are good at teaching, you can excel in this area.

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test apps

There are many apps that pay people to test, watch videos or refer friends. You can earn a little extra money doing this, but you need to be careful of scams.

Always research the application well, and do not invest your money or enter your data on suspicious sites.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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