Saideira? Think Again! 4 Risks of Overconsumption of Beer

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Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that directly interferes with the functioning of the central nervous system. Due to its effects of increasing the state of euphoria and relaxation, many people use the beverage socially. However, the excessive alcohol use can lead to problems.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, there are a number of factors that influence the use of alcohol, such as culture, economic development and even the very availability of the drink. The easier, the greater the consumption.

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Naturally, there is nothing wrong with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. However, it is necessary to be aware, because the development of diseases associated with drinking is mainly related to the amount consumed and the pattern adopted in its use.

Thus, the greater the volume of alcohol ingested, and with greater frequency, the greater the chances of physical and psychological problems and even injuries.

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Main problems caused by excessive use of alcohol in the body

Development of liver disease

Alcohol is metabolized in the liver. This means that this organ breaks down the molecules of the drink, therefore, it is the most affected by excessive consumption of the substance.

Problems such as accumulation of fat in the liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis are one of the consequences of excessive alcohol, which can lead to liver failure and even death.

gastrointestinal problems

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by an increase in the production of enzymes by this organ. The reason? Drinking to excess.

In the same sense, the impact of alcohol on other organs of the digestive system, such as the stomach, can hinder the absorption of nutrients by the body, with the development of conditions such as ulcers.

Interferences in the brain

Alcohol acts directly on the central nervous system and directly interferes with the functioning of the brain, with changes in motor coordination, balance capacity, reflexes and reasoning.

Excessive drinking also impairs sleep and can contribute to the development of chemical and emotional dependence associated with the substance.


Scientific studies claim that there is a relationship between alcohol consumption and the development of some types of cancer, such as liver, stomach, colorectal and mouth and larynx.

Cardiovascular and circulatory problems

Arteries and blood vessels are affected by excessive alcohol consumption, with an increased risk of developing arrhythmias, hypertension and even stroke.

Annually, it is estimated that 3 million people worldwide die due to alcohol consumption. For this reason, you need to drink in moderation and pay attention to whether you have any vulnerability that could increase the chances of addiction.

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