Recently, videos posted on the Shift Robotics company profile (@shiftrobotics) on TikTok went viral. In particular, one of the videos on the page reached almost 25 million views in just a few weeks of posting.
In the images of these videos, it is possible to see some people wearing a futuristic shoe called Moonwalker. The nomenclature is a tribute to the famous dance step Moonwalk (walking on the moon), invented by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
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According to Shift Robotics, the shoe, which resembles a pair of skates, makes its users walk faster, which can be seen by watching the videos.
To use the Moonwalker, the user must place their foot on its platform and secure it with some magnetic buckles. You can wear the shoe with or without other shoes, as long as everything fits on the platform.
Xunjie Zhang, founder of the company and creator of the “shoe that makes you walk faster”, claims that the Moonwalker increases walking speed by 250%, without the walker needing to make more effort than the walker. normal.
“Our shoe [the Moonwalker] has the same mechanism as the moving walkways you see at airports. With every step you take, the conveyor belt moves under your feet, propelling you forward,” he said.
Still according to Zhang, an ordinary person can travel up to 5 km per hour, just using the super fast shoes. In addition, if the user accelerates the steps, he will walk even faster. “The faster you walk, the faster the shoes walk with you”, said the entrepreneur.
See the Moonwalker in action in the video below:
@shiftrobotics What’s Your Reaction When You See These Shoes On The Street!? 👟💨 #Innovation#WearableTech#worldsfastestshoes#shiftrobotics#ConsumerTech
♬ Everybody Wants To Rule The World – Tears For Fears
Would you pay $1,400 to go faster?
Since it was launched, in October last year, Moonwalker has been having some success in the United States. So far, there have been over 2,000 orders for the shoe, bringing a total of $330,000 in revenue to Shift Robotics.
According to Xunjie Zhang, each pair of Moonwalkers costs US$ 1,399 and must be ordered, and can be shipped throughout the US.
To found Shift Robotics, Zhang, who holds a master's degree in mechatronics from Carnegie University Mellon, met with a group of race car engineers, roboticists and tennis.
Despite appearing as an “instant” novelty, the Moonwalker was developed over the course of five years, until the most convincing design was chosen by the team.
According to Shift Robotics, the shoe can be used by people aged 15 and up and works through magnetism and mechanical impulse. So far, no accidents or serious failures have been recorded in Moonwalker examples.
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.