Minister says new replacement for Uber is ready: what is the proposal?

O Ministry of Labour is about to launch a new proposal for app drivers to have their work regulated. The subject arose as soon as President Lula (PT) took office and appointed the ministers. Remembering that the employment relationship between the driver and the travel company is not recognized by law, which does not guarantee benefits to the worker.

With these affirmations, the current government plans to make work regulated for those who drive through applications, making it possible to contribute to Social Security and have access to INSS (National Institute of Social Security). Thus, Luiz Marinho, Minister of Labor, said that applications need to offer fairer working conditions.

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“We don't want to regulate there in the slightest detail. Nobody likes to take a lot of risk, especially Brazilian capitalists. But what is the regulation for the protection of work and people?”, questioned the minister.

Ministry of Labor says Uber could be replaced

The Minister of Labor says he is not afraid of the results that the change could cause, saying he is not afraid of Uber leaving Brazil. The interview was granted to the newspaper Valor Econômico, when the minister stated that the country would not be without a similar application:

“Create another [application]. I can call Correios, which is a logistics company, and say to create an application and replace it. The application is available in droves on the market. Companies are willing to discuss. In Spain, in the regulatory process, Uber and someone else said they were going to leave. This rebellion lasted 72 hours. It was blackmail. They told me: 'What if Uber leaves?'. Uber problem. I'm not worried," said Marino.

There are still no statements about the working conditions that should be offered by the applications, as well as it is not yet known whether these workers will follow the rules of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws).

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