4 signs you're in a karmic relationship and how to break free

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Karmic relationships happen when two people need to resolve outstanding issues from past lives, thus having the power to teach more about love and about ourselves. They can be projected into love relationships, into friendships, between acquaintances or between relatives. In today's article, we are going to provide 4 signs that you are in a relationship karmic and how to get out of it.

4 signs you're in a karmic relationship and how to break free

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A karmic relationship is the kind that no one wants to have, but has to go through, at least once in their life. They come into your life with the mission to teach you something. And when that mission is completed, the relationship ends.

Check out now 4 signs that you are in this type of relationship:

  1. Love at first sight

If you felt a connection with a person that you cannot describe in words the first time around, there is a high chance that there is a karmic connection in the relationship.

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  1. If your relationship is based on the phenomenon of: Rollercoaster

A karmic relationship is characterized by cycles of happy highs and devastating lows, which can be simplified in the old saying: "either 8 or 80". In a karmic relationship, there is no middle ground.

  1. Dependency 

In a codependent relationship, you and your partner are physically and emotionally dependent on each other - don't feel comfortable being apart, have a distorted self-image - creating a certain kind of monopolization. In a karmic relationship, even if you are with your partner, something will still feel wrong. You will never find something that comforts you, which consequently contributes to your self-devaluation and a demolition of your limits.

  1. Such relationships don't last long

Due to these factors mentioned above, these relationships are popularly known to be a mercurial nightmare. As much as, within this type of relationship, people think that they cannot disconnect from each other and that they are connected to always, this instability ends up contributing to the end of this relationship, since it is something that wears out over time and is bad for both.

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