Companies embrace social responsibility as a way to grow

Are you in the habit of making donations? It doesn't matter if it's time, money or objects. More and more businesses are adhering to donation campaigns and taking this to be part of their efforts of growth. This change in the behavior of companies is due to the understanding of their social participation.

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The growth in social activities

The Institute for the Development of Social Investment (IDIS) conducted a survey in 2020 that showed very interesting data. According to her, more than 80% of society sees a lot of importance in the act of donating. A survey in partnership with Datafolha pointed out that more than 55% of respondents participated in some social activity as a volunteer.

One company that has invested heavily in social activities is Dow, in the field of materials science. She is involved in activities aimed at communities and believes that, in addition to bringing benefits to those who receive them, those who practice acts of solidarity also feel fulfilled.

Get to know Solidariodow

The group organizes several actions in Latin America and recently managed to bring together eight factories in Brazil for voluntary work that impacted the lives of around 1,200 people. The volunteer group grew to 320 people working for the good of others.

Helena Afonso, who is Dow Brasil's Corporate Communication leader, says that this feeling of belonging to the community and, consequently, being responsible for it, is part of the company's culture. She also says that employees feel a lot of satisfaction when joining for the general good.

“It's a powerful tool for engagement, personal satisfaction and pride in belonging when a company cares and mobilizes,” she said.

In view of this, the company has developed a hours policy where employees can dedicate some time to volunteer work and continue to be paid normally. Among the projects supported by Dow are inclusion in communities, initiatives for sustainable business and education focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

For the development of actions, Dow maintains a dialogue with the community, always seeking to contribute effectively to it. So much so that for 15 years the company has been organizing constant meetings with communities in Argentina. These meetings take place in community spaces and contribute to the construction of projects needed by the population.

According to Dow Guadalupe Latorre's communications manager, the group seeks to create valuable projects for society. “When we carry out a voluntary action, we are giving something of ourselves to the other and, through this act, we are also transformed”, she said.

With the goal of becoming the most inclusive and sustainable materials science company in the world, Dow continues to look for new proposals and programs to support. In addition, it marks the history of its 125 years of building a better future together with the community.

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