Learn step-by-step how to sterilize glass

After using glass jars for their original products, the space may become a haven for viruses and bacteria. That's because, often, traditional washing with just water and soap is not enough to clean it completely. Thus, it is important to know how to sterilize glasses to prevent that, by reusing the pot, you may have any damage to your health.

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Tips on how to sterilize glasses

  • Start with washing

Although washing is not enough to remove all impurities from the glass, you should start with it. Therefore, use soap and water in abundance to remove excesses of the old product that was there to prevent interference with what you will keep. Finally, dry well, as leaving standing water in pots can serve to build up bacteria.

Then remove the label using a very practical and simple homemade mixture. With a little soap and hot water you can remove all the label and glue. So make this mixture and leave the glass submerged in the solution. And in case this is not enough to solve the problem, you can finish the process with the help of a hair dryer.

  • Sterilize glasses in boiling water

The best way to sterilize glass is to use high temperatures, the simplest of which is to use boiling water. In this way, separate the water in a pan with the pots and take it to the oven until it starts to boil. Including, the correct thing is that the water remains on medium heat for at least 15 to 20 minutes after boiling, and only then turns it off.

Finally, remove the jars with a utensil so as not to burn yourself and let them cool down, preferably on a clean surface lined with paper towels. Do not fall for the idea of ​​cooling the dish with ice water, as this thermal shock can cause the glass to crack and even break.

  • Sterilize in the oven or microwave

Both the oven and microwave methods are effective in making your glass sterilized. Therefore, you can use both as long as you are careful with the process. In the case of an oven, place the glasses on a baking sheet in the oven at 120°C for just 15 minutes, enough time for the glass not to crack.

Already in the microwave, you will need to add five tablespoons of water inside the glass and let them sterilize for 2 minutes at low power. However, be careful when taking them out, as they will be very hot. In both methods, it is also worth taking care with the thermal shock between hot and cold water.

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