Asteroid found gives clues to early solar system

Meteorites are always falling in Earth, sometimes they reach the ground, sometimes not, and can be almost invisible due to their size or even change the trajectory of life on our planet. Such space rocks bring clues about the past of the solar system, even if they are altered when entering the Earth's atmosphere.

In this way, seeking to study these historical materials, researchers from the University of Hawai'i, in Manoa, verified precious samples collected from the asteroid Ryugu, which had rocks and mineral grains older than our solar system, and the asteroid was not altered by the Earth's atmosphere, since it was brought by the Hayabusa 2 space mission, organized by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency).

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The scientists' findings were published in the journal Nature Astronomy, where they reported that Ryugu had been tempered in space, which resulted in the partial melting of some minerals and the dehydration of the surface of the asteroid.

As the material obtained from the asteroid orbits the sun every 16 months, it will be possible to investigate some events that occurred during the early phases of the solar system, including the evolution of volatiles such as organic molecules and the water itself.

The team was led by Takaaki Noguchi, from Kyoto University, which included researchers from Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP), at the School of science and technology of Ocean and Land, University of Hawaii at Manoa. In addition to having other co-authors associated with the HIGP, John Bradley, Kenta K. Ohtaki, David R. Frank and Kazuhide Nagashima.

The results found by the researchers were that in the case of a C-type asteroid, such as Ryugu, the surface is covered by anhydrous material (which does not have water) over time. However, asteroids that appear dry from the surface may be rich in water, potentially providing a review of understanding of asteroid types and belt formation history. asteroids.

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