How to preserve unpeeled garlic? See tips for keeping garlic fresh

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Garlic has a guaranteed presence in the kitchen of millions of people. There are those who choose to store the garlic already crushed or in preserves, but there are also those who prefer to store it with peels to remove them only when using. However, do you know the best way to do this? find out now how to preserve unpeeled garlic.

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First, know that it is very important to store food correctly. In addition to avoiding wasting money and food, if you don't realize that something is spoiled and consume contaminated food, you can acquire infections caused by microorganisms such as fungi.

How to choose garlic?

The best thing is to always buy unpeeled garlic. Although already peeled garlic may seem like a more practical option, by buying it that way you are losing some of its properties.

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When choosing, check that they are clean, very firm and without the presence of bruises. Softened bulbs indicate that the garlic is overripe, and therefore it will not be possible to preserve it for a long time.

If buying in bulk, the ideal is to remove the first shell in order to observe that they are in perfect condition, because some abrasions and dirt can be hidden in the shell.

How to preserve unpeeled garlic?

Garlic should not be in stuffy places. Therefore, store it in a well-ventilated place and away from direct sunlight. Temperatures around 16 to 20°C are ideal for better conservation.

Many people believe that garlic should stay inside the fridge. However, this information is not true, as refrigeration makes garlic deteriorate faster. So follow the tip and leave it at room temperature as long as it gets ventilation.

This food should not, under any circumstances, be kept in closed pots, due to the risk of fungal proliferation and also germination. Moldy garlic should be discarded immediately, but any that develop sprouts can be eaten. To do this, just cut the part of the shoots and then use normally.

Another important point is the container for storing the garlic. Give preference to wooden or metal baskets. Plastic favors the proliferation of fungi, so this type of material should be avoided.

Unpeeled garlic keeps well preserved for up to 3 months in a cool place, without the presence of humidity.

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