Halo Rise was released: know everything about the new device from Amazon

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On September 28, Amazon released its new release: Halo Rise. This is a new device that promises to have several very useful functions in people's daily lives. The company also guarantees much greater practicality and a good night's sleep for those who use it. See more about this new device from Amazon.

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According to the multinational, Halo Rise will not have cameras or microphones. It will be a device that brings together different features to help people who have trouble sleeping. The purpose of the equipment is to make your nights sleep better and uninterrupted.

It also brings a lot of practicality, after all, it was also announced by Amazon that this device does not it relies on wristbands or battery to work, so users don't have to worry about that. To use the device, just take it to the bedroom and put it to work. Is it or isn't it very simple?

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How does it work

Their main strategy for getting people to sleep better at night is using sensors. They are part of its composition and measure the temperature in the environment at that moment, the humidity and the luminosity. That's because these are all extremely important factors when it comes to resting well.

Another ace up the sleeve of Halo Rise is that the device is capable of detecting even your breathing movements. It does this to gather information about you. A bonus is that it can be linked to its own app called Halo. The tool will show the sleep stage throughout the night.

Important informations

In addition to the points mentioned above, we are going to list other important and useful ones so that you can learn even more about this device and how it will work, so you can decide whether to buy it or not.

  • It will only track and detect the movements and information of the person closest to it;
  • It will only work with one individual at a time;
  • You will have the option of “Standby Mode”, in case you don't want it to monitor you on a given day;
  • The device will also have an option that will allow the user to connect it to Alexa.

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