Fun for the newlyweds: This quiz game will make the night super fun

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To make the night livelier and more fun, how about a game of questions and answers between couples? Get together at friends' houses, prepare some snacks and find out what the couple that is most known, this will certainly be a memorable night. Continue reading and find out how to play this game that promises a lot of fun;

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How to play:

Since the intention of the game is to have a dispute between the couples, it is necessary to consider some rules so that no one cheats:

  1. The host will ask the couples questions while each partner writes the answer on a piece of paper. (Not worth spying);
  2. With this, a period of 5 seconds will be given for them to respond and, when the time is up, each one must reveal what he wrote;
  3. For each combination of answers, a point is given to the couple or couples who get it right;
  4. The couple that wins is the one with the most points.
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1st stage of the game:

In this first step, the questions will be about you and your spouse will have to answer the same answer you put on paper. Check the questions:

  1. What is my favorite food?
  2. What pisses me off the most?
  3. what is my sign zodiac?
  4. What is the story my family tells about me over and over again?
  5. What's my favorite movie?

2nd stage of the game:

Now the questions will be about your partner, it's your turn to try to get his answers right. Check the questions:

  1. What was your first job?
  2. Who is your favorite relative?
  3. What is your dream car?
  4. 3 countries you want to visit
  5. What is your favorite animal?

3rd stage of the game:

This step is totally directed towards your relationship, that is, both need to give answers that are corresponding. Check out the questions and rock the game:

  1. Who said "I love you" first?
  2. Where was the first date?
  3. Who is the most adventurous at the “H” hour?
  4. Who always talks about having kids?
  5. Who is the most romantic?

End of the game:

Now is the time to count how many points each couple managed to accumulate and thus find out which of them knows each other better. This joke is super fun, healthy and promises to remember great times you lived together!

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