Lesson plan on animal locomotion

Locomotion is the way in which animals move in the environment in which they live to escape from predators, meet foods, seek shelter and find partners for reproduction and perpetuation of species.

In this class, students will realize that animals move in different ways and speeds. In addition, they will understand that the morphology of the animals' bodies is directly related to their way of locomotion.

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Lesson Plan – Do I need it? Desires vs. needs

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Lesson plan - Locomotion of animals

THEME: Locomotion modes of animals in terrestrial environments.

SUGGESTED TIME: 2 lessons of 50 minutes


Recognize the different types of locomotion of animals and relate them to the place where they live.


  • Cards with images of animals.
  • Images to be projected referring to the types of paws (plantigrade, digitigrade, unguligrade) and types of locomotion (walking, jumping, running and crawling or crawling).
  • Blackboard and chalk/brush.


Introduce the topic of the lesson to the students.

Ask students: “What is locomotion?”. Direct the answers to come to the conclusion that it is the name given to the way an animal moves in its habitat.

Second question: “Why do animals move?”. Listen to the answers and talk to the students about escaping from predators, searching for food and looking for partners to reproduce and generate offspring to perpetuate the species.

Now ask the group what land animals they know and write the list on the board.

Direct to have different animals and have different locomotions, you can create hypothetical situations such as storytelling to encourage students to remember animals many different.

Try to involve activities in camps, trails or pranks in the backyard of the house.

Now question how each animal mentioned moves and write on the board.

Invite the students to play a game, hand them the cards with the different animals. Now you will describe how they get around and they will have to hand over the correct animal card.

Example description for snake: “I am an animal that does not have legs, but I move everywhere very close to the ground. What animal am I?”

Choose at least 5 different animals and repeat the activity with the students, try to choose species from the region that are familiar to them.

Explain types of locomotion land animals: marching, jumping, running and crawling or reptation.

Show pictures of different types of foot/paw of animals and relate to the speed each one can reach. Show them that the way animals support their feet on the ground interferes with locomotion.

Try to classify the animals according to the types of legs and locomotion studied.


At the end of this lesson, students should be able to recognize the types of locomotion of land animals and which body parts they use to move.

Click here to save this lesson plan as a PDF!

See too:

  • Lesson plan on the characteristics of animals – 3rd year of elementary school
  • Lesson plan - Importance of preserving Brazilian forests - 2nd year of Elementary School
  • Lesson plan – Quiz: why washing hands can prevent disease?
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