L’ imperfecto dell’ indicative

Meaning:/ Meaning: *“L'imperfetto nell'indicativo expresses l'aspetto imperfettivo indicating situazioni in corso di svolgimento (Ieri alle cinque andavo in città, when...), abittuali (In that period we were sped to trovarli.) o situazioni descritive di sfondo (Paolo lived a Pomegranate.)". / The imperfect in the call expresses an incomplete aspect indicating situations in the course of its development (Yesterday at five I was going to town, when...) usual situations (At that time we were going to meet them a lot.) or descriptive situations (Paolo lived in Rome.).

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

L'imperfetto con verbi regolari/ Imperfect with regular verbs

D: Come formare questo tense verbale?/ Q: How to form this tense?
A: Prendi il verb senza le desinenze di infinitive (-ARE, -ERE, -IRE) and aggiungi le desinenze di imperfetto./ R: Take the verb without the infinitive ending (-ARE, -ERE, -IRE) and add the imperfect endings.

Vedi degli esempi: / See some examples:

persone of discord FENCE AVERE FINIRE
Io fencedGrandfather Aveve endivo
You fencedavi Avevi

endI saw

lei/lui/law fencedava AvEve endva
No I fencedlove Avevamo endivamo
go fencedavatar Avevade endivate
parrot fencedadvance Avevasion endIvan

Le desinenze del tempo imperfetto sono in distant nella tabella/ The imperfect tense endings are in Spotlight on the table.

Vedi delle frasi:/ See some sentences:

1) corral aiuto per mettere the moto la macchina, when i know arrivato./ I was looking for help to start the car, when you arrived.

2) Giulia you surrounded di mattina. / Giulia was looking for you in the morning.

3) From bambino, Giuseppe she ave paura di andare dal dentist. / When he was a little boy, Giuseppe was afraid to go to the dental office.

4) ending i competed when she called. / We were finishing the exercises at home, when she (he) called.

5) When mean figlia lived to Bari, she ave I gave cani. / When my daughter lived in Bari, she had some dogs.

6) Mentre il professore di letteratura Italiana parlava, finivo il compito d’ inglese./ While the Italian literature teacher was speaking, I finished the English exercise.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/l-imperfetto-dell-indicativo.htm

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