Company focuses on headache-free renovations and makes millions

Who ever had to go through a remodeling, whether at home, at work, or in any property, you know that it is something that can give you a lot of headaches. And it was thinking about facilitating this process and changing people's perception of reforms, that some entrepreneurs decided to create something new.

Matheus Gomes and Guilherme Testoni founded the Miami Group, which, with a single budget, plans, manages and executes the entire work, without the customer needing to be involved and worried, getting worn out with the process.

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Entrepreneurs offer a service turn key, which consists of owners handing over the keys to the company and then receiving everything ready and finished. The idea came up in 2019, when the duo worked in a multinational together with a repair team. They already used a certain method of work, but realized that they could improve it to create something new.

The method created by them guarantees quick and timely repairs, shortening the process by months. The renovations also have real-time cameras, so that customers can follow the progress of the work without having to get dirty or move around.

“This efficiency gain is possible because, from our experience, we are able to plan the entire work meticulously, anticipating every unforeseen event and mitigating all possible surprises that may appear in the path. Dealing with these work 'cucumbers' is our expertise, so we can solve everything else quickly, spending less and in a more relaxed way than the customer could manage alone”, explains Matthew.

The company's office is in Joinville and already has more than 30 employees. But the work is not just concentrated there, they manage to play hundreds of works from a distance, all over the country.

So far, the company has already earned BRL 8 million, and intends to end 2022 with one more digit in this amount.

The company mainly serves works in commercial establishments, around 95%, and intends to serve more individuals in the long term. “As residential projects are different from each other and therefore more complex, we feel that both we and the market need a little more maturation for everything to work out. It's like Uber, which started serving a very specific market niche and then, with experience and maturity, expanded to a larger audience.”, explained Matheus.

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