MEC launches program to strengthen literacy in Brazilian schools

On June 12, the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education (MEC), launched the National Literate Children Commitment.

The project aims to promote the articulation between the systems of educational evaluation of basic education.

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The Assessment axis is one of the five structuring axes of the Commitment implementation strategies. The other four axes are: governance and management of the literacy policy, training of education professionals and improvement of pedagogical and school management practices, infrastructure and recognition and sharing of good practices.

Program operation

In this axis, it will be up to the MECand the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) to build the metrics and parameters to conduct the evaluations.

In addition, the Ministry should also carry out diagnostic and formative assessments to support educators and institutions.

Periodic reading, writing and mathematics assessments will be carried out by the schools themselves, with the support of MEC. They will be committed to providing useful information for monitoring progress against the National Commitment. Literate Child.

But that's not all, as all States must conduct annual assessments of Portuguese Language and Mathematics. The Basic Education Evaluation System (SAEB), implemented by INEP, will be a crucial part of this evaluation process.

The application of periodic assessments will allow understanding the students' learning process and identifying challenges in the country's schools.

Moreover, they can help teachers and managers to create strategies to meet the specific needs of each municipality or state.

The results obtained will generate subsidies for the continuous evolution of literacy policies, school management and pedagogical practices.

In this sense, efforts will be focused on improving educational outcomes and reducing learning inequalities among students.

National Literate Child Commitment

Through Decree 11,556/2023, a new literacy policy was established that will receive a investment of approximately 1 billion reais in the year 2023 and another 2 billion reais in the next three years.

The expectation is to benefit a total of 4 million students aged between 4 and 5 years old, who attend preschools in 80 thousand public schools.

In addition, four and a half million students between six and seven years old, enrolled in the initial grades, in ninety eight thousand public schools will be contemplated.

To complete, 7.3 million students aged between 8 and 10 years old, also in the initial grades, will be benefited in more than 98 thousand public schools.

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