It is possible to make your company more welcoming with these 4 love languages

Gary Chapman, marriage counselor and pastor, published the book "The Five Love Languages" in 1992. In it, the Baptist theorist discussed the five ways to demonstrate love in relationships in general. However, today we bring a clipping of these languages ​​to the job market. Check it out now as 4 out of 5 love languages can be used to make your company more employee-friendly. Good reading!

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The 5 love languages ​​and the job market

It even seems strange to correlate the 5 love languages ​​with the job market, given that, for many, the work environment is toxic, exploitative and undervalued. However, countless companies and start ups are realizing that focusing on a more humane professional performance is extremely important to increase productivity and profits.

Many companies, especially since the Industrial Revolution, had a highly technical model. In this way, the professional environment and the organizational climate were not valued, but the results and technique of each worker. Over time, it was noticed that in addition to technique, factors such as personal well-being and a pleasant workplace stimulate productivity. Therefore, ways to promote this contribute to improvements in work routines.

Therefore, below are the ways to demonstrate 4 love languages ​​in your company and improve the organizational climate:

  • words of affirmation

People need to know when they are making mistakes, as this is the starting point for self-improvement. However, being notified only when they made a mistake makes the professional believe that they are only noticed when he makes a mistake, while his qualities and all the effort put into the company pass unnoticed. That way, use words of affirmation and positive feedback when you see that employees are doing well in their tasks. A simple sentence can motivate and improve that person's day!

  • gifts

Gifts are a delicacy that make people feel special and valued, especially when they are given in a gift. Many companies only give gifts on commemorative dates, without any commitment to show humanization, as if they were just '' fulfilling the obligation ''. How about changing that? Simple gestures like organizing breakfast or giving chocolate on non-celebration dates can already be a great motivation!

  • quality time

Many employees started the home office regime during the pandemic. This made many feel disconnected from the work environment, isolated from the rest of the team and lonely. Therefore, how about holding a meeting during working hours, in an informal way, to talk about life and take a break from demands? Or go to a pizza place, or have dinner at the company like old times? A fraternization would certainly make many employees happy!

  • acts of service 

Obeying orders and seeing people in higher positions receiving high wages and with a much smaller workload on workers tends to increase frustration. Therefore, put yourself in an employee position: Connect with people who are in lower positions in the company, accept some of these employees' demands and show that you are on their side. They will feel welcomed, understood and respected.

*Note: Gary Chapman created the theory involving 5 love languages, the last being physical touch. As it may be unsuitable for the work environment, we do not add it to this post.

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