Walk in macchina!

Walking in macchina oggigiorno a part ad altra, it is a po’ difficile perchè il traffic that c’è nelle grandi città is intense and in verità chaotic. Come in Brasile, nell'Italia i giovani desiderano anche ottenere la patent di guida when compiono 18 anni./ Nowadays, driving from one place to another is a little difficult because the traffic that exists in big cities is intense and, in fact, chaotic. As in Brazil, young people in Italy also want to obtain a driver's license when they turn 18 years old.

In addition to this document, it is important to know the leggi del transit, i loro segnali and sapere eat si chiamano alcune parti di a macchina. / In addition to obtaining this document, it is important to know the traffic laws, their signs and to know what parts of a car are called.

  • Osserva alcune azioni che non si può mai fare al transito:/ Note some actions that cannot be done in traffic:

1) Parcheggiare sulle strice. / Park at the crosswalk.

2) Do not give precedence when it is obbligo. /Not giving preference when it's mandatory.

3) Do not fermarsi allo stop when it is obbligo. / Do not stop when there is a STOP board.

4) Passare col rosso. / Pass the red light.

5) Parcheggiare in seconda queue. / Parking in a double row.

  • Ci sono delle situazioni che succedono when siamo in macchina. I saw the image:/ There are some situations that happen when we are in the car. See the images:

(search il pneumatico / puncture the tyre)

(tamporare contro una macchina / hit another car)

(engine breakage / engine breakage)

(sbandare colla macchina / skid with car)

(grab a fine / get a fine)

  • Osserva alcune azioni che ti podeno aiutare mentre guida. / Note some actions that can help you while driving:

(Andare dal benzinaio [benzinaio fare]) /go to the gas station [fuel]).

(pulire i vetri della macchina / clean the car windows).

(cambiare l’olio della macchina/ change car oil).

(Andare dal meccanico / go to the mechanic).

  • With us part di una macchina / Discover parts of a car
  • Osserva altre parole that I can use in a macchina / Note other words that might be useful to you in a car.

steering wheel = steering wheel / hand-to-hand = handbrake / bagagliaio = suitcase or luggage / exchange = march/ luce di retromarcia = reverse light / luce di arresto the stop = brake light / targa = board / specchietto rearview = rear view mirror / speed indicator = speed indicators/ cruscott = car dashboard / sawdust = doorknob or lock / Sicurezza waist = seat belt / sedile = armchair or seat / bocchetta di ventilazione = internal ventilation grid / clacson = horn / battery dell'auto = car battery / chiavi = keys ecc.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/andare-in-macchina.htm

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