Anyone older than 6 months can get the flu vaccine

All Brazilians who have more than 6 months to live can get the flu vaccine from this Monday (15). The Ministry of Health reported the expansion of the group in the last week. The aim is to reduce contamination and spread of the disease in the winter months in 2023.

See too: Discover the 3 best teas to treat the flu and relieve symptoms

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It is worth mentioning that the different forms of flu and colds are the predominant diseases in Brazil in times of low temperatures. Especially in winter, the spread of this type of disease becomes more common.

More than 80 million doses of the trivalent vaccine

“The guidance responds to the request of states and municipalities, which can use vaccines in stock and adopt local strategies to operationalize immunization, taking into account the realities of each region. More than 80 million doses of the trivalent vaccine, produced by the Butantan Institute, were distributed throughout the country. The goal is to vaccinate 90% of the population”, highlighted the Ministry of Health, in an official statement.

Until then, the flu vaccine was applied only to:

  • seniors over 60 years of age
  • children between 6 months and 6 years old
  • pregnant women, postpartum women
  • immunosuppressed
  • indigenous
  • health professionals
  • education professionals
  • people with permanent disabilities or comorbidities
  • public transport and port professionals
  • security and rescue forces workers
  • members of the armed forces
  • prison system professionals
  • population deprived of liberty

By the end of April, at least 253 people had died of the flu in Brazil, according to official data from the federal government.


Influenza syndromes can evolve in several patients, especially in children very young and in adults with some type of comorbidity, in addition to the elderly.

The state of Amapá, for example, saw a 108% increase in cases of hospitalizations of children with the flu between January and May of this year.

The symptoms involve fever, cough, malaise, body pain, runny nose, difficulty breathing, among others. Always consult a doctor.

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