Stay tuned: the registration period for Prouni will be from June 27th to 30th

The University for All Program (prouni) opens selection so that candidates can apply every year, and then get a place at the university in the course they want.

In this year, 2023, enrollment for Prouni will be from June 27th to 30th, and it is important to pay attention to this so that you have a chance of having access to a scholarshippart-time or full-time at a private college.

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If you are interested, just access the Single Portal for Access to Higher Education and enroll in the program. Every year, thousands of students apply, choosing two course options to try one of them.

Find out more details below about how this program works!

How to register for Prouni

As we said, in order for you to gain access to the program, it is necessary to fulfill some established requirements, such as, for example, taking the Enem in the previous year (in this case, 2022 or 2021).

In addition, the candidate must have obtained a score greater than or equal to 450 points in the Enem, in all the average of the subjects charged in the exam. The grade in the essay cannot be equal to zero.

If there is a tie between the enrolled candidates, the Ministry of Education has a tiebreaker criterion, which is use the edition of the Enem that the student had the best grade, and then he will be able to classify better in the process of the Prouni.

To enroll, simply access the official Prouni website within the deadlines established by the program.

In order to be able to participate in the Prouni selection process, it is necessary to pay attention to the registration deadline. Again, this year the deadline is from June 27th to 30th.

Approved candidates can choose two course options, and only then wait to leave the classification, to find out if you were approved with a partial or full scholarship to make your dream come true graduation.

More details about the creation and functioning of Prouni

Prouni was launched in 2004 through a bill. In the following year, it began to be put into practice, and students could have one more chance to gain access to universities.

The program works in a very simple way, in which the student can compete for scholarships, and can be partial or full, that is, you have a 50% discount on the monthly fee or a 100% discount for the entire course of graduation.

This program is valid for private institutions of higher education and is aimed at students who do not have a higher education diploma, but who have finished high school, preferably in public schools.

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