Keeping the charger plugged in can pose a risk to your life; Know more!

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Although it is a very common practice among most people, keeping the charger plugged in even without any cell phone charging can be quite dangerous. So, to warn you about this danger, we separate some of the risks of forgetting the charger in the socket that you need to pay attention to.

The dangers of keeping chargers plugged in

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Keeping cell phone chargers plugged in is definitely a bad thing. habit. However, it is easy to keep them plugged in, either by forgetfulness or laziness. However, this ease can come at a very high and irreparable price.

The dangers of this practice are varied and can be easily avoided by removing the chargers from the socket after the cell phone reaches full charge. In addition to damage to the chargers themselves, your electrical network can also be affected. In this way, the practice offers risk to your life!

So, to serve as a bigger wake-up call, here are some risks you're taking with keeping your chargers plugged in:

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Overheating and fires

Because they are connected all the time to an electrical network, chargers are susceptible to overheating, or rather, to the Joule Effect. It is nothing more than the passage of an electric current through a body, consequently leading to a rise in temperature. Because of this, chargers plugged into the socket have already been the cause of several cases of fire.


Once the charger is connected to an electrical current, the other end it presents risks of shock, which, even at low powers, still represent a great danger.

It is also worth warning that the risk exists whether or not a cell phone is connected to it, so you should never, under any circumstances, use the cell phone while it is charging.

Increases energy consumption

If you never unplug your charger, it will never stop consuming. energy. Thus, your pocket will be encumbered at the end of the month.

loss of effectiveness

When a charger is connected to an outlet all the time, it, as a result, ends up losing its effectiveness and increasing its charging time.

But, attention!

It is important to remember that it is essential that your chargers are original, after all, they have more resistance and safety against major damage from fire and overheating.

In addition, it is essential to avoid leaving cell phones charging without anyone at home, because in cases of an accident, there will be no one at home to notice before it is too late.

Connecting a charger to the socket can be very harmful in terms of material damage, but mainly to your physical integrity and that of the people who live with you or close to your residence.

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