Watch out, man: These habits harm your fertility!

For many couples, the dream of being parents is very present. Several plans are made so that, then, the child can come into the world. However, many of them suffer from infertility. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in five couples have this difficulty. It is also estimated that 40% of these problems are due to bad lifestyle habits.

Pay attention to the habits you, man, should avoid

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Check out now 8 habits that impair sperm quality and interfere with male fertility:

1. Electronic equipment on lap

High temperatures from electronic devices near the testicles can cause infertility, as this directly interferes with sperm production.

2. use of plastics

When plastics are manufactured, phthalate is used in the process to increase their durability. However, this chemical easily leaves the plastic, contaminating food and drinks. In high concentrations, this substance impairs hormone production and disrupts sperm quality.

3. some lubricants

A chemical called spermicide can be found in some condoms, creams, films, foams, gels and suppositories. It can kill sperm, preventing fertilization.

4. Alcohol and caffeine consumption

Excess alcohol and caffeine can impair semen quality. Research indicates that two cups of coffee a day and five or more drinks of alcohol a week impair IVF.

5. Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet

Being overweight, for men, can be synonymous with low testosterone, poorer sperm quality and decreased fertility. Also, obese men tend to ejaculate less than those who are at normal weight.

6. psychological instability

The quality of sperm can be compromised if the man suffers from anxiety, depression and even stress, as these symptoms cause hormonal changes.

7. Some medications and anabolic steroids

Medicines for cancer treatments, for example, can alter testicular function. Therefore, it is indicated to freeze the spermatozoa before starting the treatment. Anabolic steroids can cause sexual impotence and reproduction problems.

8. poor sleep quality

It is very important to have quality sleep, as the absence of it can cause low fertility. This is because hormones are manufactured at that time, and they are the ones that guarantee the quality of sperm.

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