20 gender-neutral names that are trending right now

Without further ado, check out our list below containing 20 genderless names and their interesting Meanings. They may inspire your next child's baptism!

  • Alex: Defender of men. Refers to a courageous person, who protects and defends others, especially the weakest;
  • Ariel: It means "Lion of God". It conveys the image of a powerful and courageous person, with the strength and determination of a lion.

  • Cris: Follower of Christ. It refers to the person who seeks to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, showing love, compassion and generosity.

  • Doubt: Guardian (a) of riches. It indicates someone responsible and caring, who values ​​and protects what is precious in their life.

  • Eli: Height, rise. It reflects the idea of ​​growth, ambition and pursuit of high goals.

  • Gael: Irish, inhabitant of Gaul. It carries a connection to Celtic culture and history, representing a free and independent spirit.

  • Jules: Youth, softness. It evokes a sense of energy, liveliness and youthfulness.

  • Kai: Sea ocean. It symbolizes the vastness, strength and unpredictability of the seas, representing a person with an expansive and free nature.

  • Leo: Lion. It represents courage, leadership and inner strength, as well as the characteristics associated with lions in the wild.

  • Lucas: It derives from Luca, which means illustrious. It reflects the idea of ​​someone remarkable, with a special spark and exceptional abilities.

  • Max: The biggest. It denotes greatness, excellence and maximum potential in different aspects of life.

  • Morgan: Bright sea. This combination evokes the image of the vastness of the ocean with the glow of light, representing a radiant and inspiring person.

  • Nat: Birth. It refers to the concept of renewal, beginning and new opportunities, indicating a person who is in constant transformation and growth.

  • Santa: Christmas. It is related to the festive period of Christmas, evoking the idea of ​​joy, kindness and celebration.

  • Ren: Water lily. It conveys the purity, delicacy and serenity associated with lilies, reflecting a calm and harmonious personality.

  • Robin: Famous for its glittering glory. Suggests someone outstanding, recognized for their exceptional skills and talents.

  • Sasha: Defender of humanity. Reflects a person dedicated to protecting and promoting the well-being of humanity, demonstrating compassion and empathy.

  • Sky: Sky. It symbolizes the vastness, freedom and immensity of the sky, representing a person with a free and expansive spirit.

  • taylor: Fabric cutter (a). It conveys the ability to mold and create, symbolizing a creative, talented and skilled person.

  • Sam: Hearing God. It carries the idea of ​​someone who is attentive to the needs of others, showing empathy and willingness to listen and help.

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