Chinese culture is responsible for presenting various medicinal techniques for human well-being, and that's how acupuncture was created, with that you can know that there are points that can relieve the pain of head.
Acupuncture is not just the only technique used to “hack” your body to improve symptoms. There is a technique that does not need needles, called acupressure.
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The human body is formed by several interconnected points that make connection with the brain and nervous part. Therefore, when pressed, they can bring relief to some symptom related to pain.
Check out this article a little more about acupressure and how to put it into practice in your daily life, helping to relieve the symptoms of headaches.
First, acupressure is a Chinese alternative medicine that is a style of massage that involves pressing certain key points on the body for pain relief.
In the acupressure technique, there are 6 main points, see:
- yintang point

Known more as the “third eye”, it is located between the eyebrows, in the middle of the nose and forehead. Because, by pressing this point, you can reduce the eye pain that is linked to migraines.
- Zan Zhu Point

There are two points that are located above the eyes, just below the beginning of the eyebrow. Therefore, this point when pressed can relieve the symptoms of headaches caused by sinusitis and rhinitis.
- Yingxiang Point

It is located at two points above the mouth, one on each side, but in line with the eyes. When pressed, it can alleviate pain such as toothache, sinusitis and headaches.
- Tian Zhu Point

These points are located at the back of the head, towards the nape of the neck, pressing these points will relieve migraine symptoms and eyestrain.
- Shuai Gu Points

The Shuai Gu point is located on the side of the head, just above the ear, when massaged it can bring relief from eyestrain, headaches and stress.
- He Gu Points

Finally, this is considered one of the most relaxing points for the body, when massaged, it can relieve migraine symptoms, back pain, toothache and reduce muscle tension.
Therefore, it is recommended to massage these points for about 10 minutes, for greater effects, you can press for longer.
Because, as it is a reflex therapy technique, it can be done without the help of professionals.
So, now that you know what are the points that can relieve the headache, do not suffer with this problem anymore.
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