In the traditional calendar, we celebrate the arrival of the solar New Year on January 1st. However, there is also the lunar calendar, which marks the entry of the Sun into the constellation of Aries. A astrology understands this moment as a potentiator of luck. So, check out some sympathies for the astrological new year below.
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The first moments of the astrological New Year represent renewal and the opening of a new time in people's lives. There is a lot of good energy available that can be used to bring about improvements in health, finances and relationships. In that sense, sympathies can help a lot!
In sympathies, we use spiritually symbolic objects. However, what actually enhances the ritual is each person's faith, which needs to be put into each of the steps of sympathy. Below, you can see three great examples that can contribute to the arrival of a lot of luck in your life!
sympathy for love
Do you want to attract more love in this new astrological year?
- Then separate a vase without water and place seven white roses.
- Then you must wait until all the roses have withered and become completely dry.
- Finally, place these petals in a bundle and bury it in a flowering garden, but don't forget to say a prayer after burying them.
Sympathy for health and luck
For those who wish to be lucky, there is great sympathy!
- You will need to fill a bowl with water, add rose quartz and the petals of seven pink roses.
- Then, leave that vase in the serene during the night of the first Crescent Moon of the astrological new year.
- Close to dawn, remove the roses and quartz from the vase and bathe with that water.
sympathy for prosperity
Finally, we have sympathy for those who seek prosperity.
- To start, write your wishes on a piece of paper, fold it and place it at the bottom of a glass jar.
- Then put a coin on the paper and cover it with uncooked rice all the way to the end of the pot.
- Finally, leave the pot in a visible place so that you can visualize the order you made every time you see it.