TikTok: see how the "dancing" fever can lead to dismissal

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The constant use of social networks to expose one's personal life must be conscious, especially when more people are involved in mentions. It is common that platforms Digital platforms such as Instagram and TikTok end up serving as a space for venting, jokes and dancing, but when the subject of the videos is work, be careful!

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It may not seem like it, but companies are always keeping an eye on their employees and when the name of the enterprise is mentioned on the internet. Depending on how they are quoted, the employee may end up receiving a dismissal for just cause, which does not entitle to payment for accrued vacations, for example. Nor the thirteenth salary or the FGTS fine.

The Labor Court informed a decision that dismissed workers do not deserve redress when fired for these reasons. In other words, just because the subject recorded a video and posted it on the internet, even being famous, which involves the company in a negative way, you will not have the right to appeal when you are off.

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A case that we can use as an example occurred in July of this year. A young woman was filing a lawsuit against her former boss. Before going to the last audience, the young woman posted a video on the TikTok app. The thing is, the caption of the video read: “Me and my friends going to sue the toxic company”.

This video had a huge impact, so the joke reached the judge of the case who, in turn, did not like at all to find out that the friends who appeared in the images were also witnesses of the process. With that, she discarded the testimony of the two as evidence.

There are still cases where people are not citing or criticizing companies, but end up recording in the work environment. We can point out the three friends who worked as security guards in a hospital. As it was one of them's birthday, they decided to rehearse and post a dance step, but the video was recorded in the place where the women worked.

The day after the post, they received information that the three were fired and were surprised, as they did not they expected that, according to the arguments of the friends, an innocent and relaxed game recorded during lunchtime would be bring about this. The girls were happy, as the end of the year was approaching. Also, the pandemic was almost getting under control.

The hospital's surveillance company reported that the situation in question was unpleasant and unacceptable, as the video had been recorded in front of the morgue and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Therefore, the Court upheld the decision that the resignation it would be justifiable. It is worth mentioning, of course, that the courts will not always defend the company, but there are cases in which it is clear that it is unnecessary and inconsistent to take certain actions in the workplace.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.


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