Sun Watch. Operation of the sundial

Sundial corresponds to a method or procedure used to measure the succession of hours or time through the visualization of the way sunlight falls on the earth in different positions and it is precisely this variation that provides the hours.
The sundial can be like, for example, a garden clock, consisting of a dial that is made on a surface. plane on which the respective hours are indicated, in this way, the shadow projected on the dial works as a kind of clock conventional. Thus, varying sunlight results in successions of hours.
There are sundials whose functioning is more difficult to understand, as they have slanted type dials.
The need to know the time is something specifically social, since animals and plants do not need such information. The earliest evidence of the division of the day comes from an Egyptian sundial, dated 1,500 BC. Ç.
Human beings have used clocks to keep track of time and thus facilitate the scheduling of appointments and activities, as well as meeting between people, such as meetings, parties and others, in this way the man with his intellectual capacity managed to master this resource, even in times remotes. Despite being an old technology, the sundial is still used today on beaches and open areas.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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