Is eating kiwi peel bad? check out

Have you ever felt any discomfort after consuming kiwi? Attention! This could be a sign of allergy to that fruit. Despite being delicious, this little fruit usually causes several gastric discomforts for those who are sensitive, and a certain amount of care is needed. Careful having contact with her. Want to know more about kiwi? So follow this article in its entirety.

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the kiwi

Originally from China, this fruit is widely consumed by Brazilians and is present in several dishes and desserts. Kiwi is rich in vitamin K, an important nutrient for blood clotting and bone health. Normally, kiwi fruit has a green pulp, but today there are other qualities with yellow and even reddish colors.

kiwi allergy

After strawberries, peaches and loquats, kiwi is one of the fruits that most causes allergies with both severe and mild reactions. This relationship is believed to be linked to pollinosis, allergic rhinitis to birch and grass pollens.

So, if you feel any kind of itching on your face after eating kiwi, whether in your throat, lips or eyes, try to suspend the fruit from your diet.

If the discomfort you feel is in your stomach, the problem could be the amount of kiwi you consumed. It is recommended to eat a maximum of 5 kiwis a day.

Is it safe to eat kiwi peel?

If you don't mind the texture of the kiwi skin, there are no restrictions on consuming it. Including, the peel of this fruit is rich in nutrients such as vitamins C and E, which together have strong antioxidant action.

In addition, this peel has even more fiber than the pulp and helps to regulate the intestine, acting as a natural laxative. If you want to taste the rind without the hairs, moisten it and remove the excess texture with a bread knife.

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