Using the spaced repetition method helps with concentration

For the student, it is almost always a challenge to study. For those who are taking the entrance exam, the challenge is even greater, due to the amount of subjects and subjects that they have to keep fixed in their memory in order to do well in the evaluations. Therefore, it is necessary to know some study methods that can help. Check now the method of repetition.

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spaced repetition method

The spaced repetition method is based on Ebbinghaus' studies on the forgetting curve. The idea of ​​this method starts from the repetition of content that needs to be reviewed at a certain frequency so that the information does not fall into oblivion in our brain.

Human behavior starts from an idea similar to this one, as we tend to look for patterns to understand how most things in the world work. We also live performing routines to be able to adapt and empower our body with that routine.

This method follows the same logic, because our natural behavior is that of repetition. And to stimulate our brain, we repeat it several times in order to be able to stick to certain subjects and, as said before, do not forget.

How to apply advanced repetition?

Although it seems complex, the method is very simple to insert into the study routine. To start, it is first necessary to study a subject and after studying, schedule revisions of the content, but with periods that are not too short or too long.

Follow this order for scheduling reviews:

  • First review: 24 hours after studying for the first time;
  • After the first review, schedule a review no later than 7 days;
  • Subsequently a review after 30 days.

In this way, the brain will be stimulated so that the content does not fall into oblivion and it does not get too tired with just a single subject, which can cause excessive fatigue for the brain.

When you are more used to the method, it is interesting to reduce the time interval between revisions, but a cautious reduction so as not to overwhelm. In this way, the student will have an easier time absorbing the contents and remembering them even after months.

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