The arrival of a baby is always a moment of extreme joy. It took many months for him to be fully ready to come into the world. For that reason alone, it is assumed that birth is something totally special. However, after the arrival of the little one, there is a moment to adapt the schedules and routine of parents and baby.
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Parents, as adults, had their sleep routines completely intact before the baby was born, and the newborn has no idea how that works. What often happens is that both stay up all night to rock the baby. Therefore, caring for a newborn is not an easy task, and there is a lot of effort involved in the first few months.
As a great help to parents who don't sleep through the night because of their little one, the The Independent she talked to a sleep specialist. Following these tips, dads' problems will be solved!
What can parents do?
Even if they have a newborn at home, Leanne Palmerston pointed out that there are “simple things” parents can do to get everyone to sleep at night.
The sleep specialist suggests that parents create schedules so that the baby can get into a routine, and she pondered saying that it is also important for the baby to leave the house. The method, according to Palmerston, is to "disengage at night and go to bed when you're tired to sleep, not relax."
According to the expert, this method can and needs to be applied to newborns as well. She completed by saying that it is a time to create habits.
She indicates that if the child wakes up, you need to wait another five minutes. "Let the babies do their part and give them five minutes." That's because, according to her, usually the child goes back to sleep after this time.
The specialist added that there is a certain fear on the part of the parents of leaving the baby crying, because whenever they complain or wake up alone, the parents get up to calm the child. This way, the baby will get used to being fed when he wakes up.
Following this way, the expert says that children can wake up every hour. The improvement is in creating habits so that the parents and the baby enter the new routine.
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