See the healthy habits of a 100-year-old athlete to live a long life

Mike Fremont is a century-old athlete who has been following his passion for at least 60 years: road running. He holds four world records for race, however, his greatest reason for pride is his motivation. He has several healthy habits that are directly related to your longevity and maintaining your mental health. Know more.

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live longer and better

With the advancement of medicine and basic sanitation conditions and quality of life, longevity indicators have increased across the globe. Allied to this, a healthy diet, restorative nights sleep and preventive medicine are important factors for those who want to live longer. Other tips will be given by runner Mike Fremont, check below:

Swap alcohol for some sport that gives you adrenaline

Mike Fremont started racing at the age of 30 when his wife died of a brain hemorrhage. Grieving the loss, he drank a lot of martinis, but he realized that the escape into alcohol wasn't exactly a cure for his problems – sometimes, it only made them worse.

For that reason, he started running. It was a way to get away from bad thoughts and get a controlled amount of adrenaline. Over time, running became a habit that improved his quality of life as a whole and, therefore, persists until today.

long distance canoeing

The centenary runner also practices long distance canoeing. This sport modality has several benefits: you exercise your arm muscles, increase your contact with nature – which is associated with a decrease in stress and anxiety – and manages to disconnect a little from the routine.

Attitude and zest for life are the best antioxidants

Guaranteed fun, laughter and high spirits. Moments with Runner Mike are like that. Even being widowed at such a young age and having a near-fatal accident, he continues to see beauty and positivity in life. life, and ensures that this is the best anti-stress medicine, after all, many problems are potentialized by our mind anxious. Carrying out therapeutic activities seems to contribute to enthusiasm for life.

Be accompanied by a nutritionist

He, as a runner, needed to take care of his health to maximize his racing performance. For this, he invested in a vegan and macrobiotic diet, that is, in a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and legumes, seeds, fruits and seaweed. His diet is made specifically for him, based on his needs. Therefore, it is extremely important that it be done by a qualified professional, the nutritionist.

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