Santander offers scholarships to study abroad; Find out how to apply!

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Applications for the competition scholarships to study English in the UK, provided by Santander, will run until January 30th. The program, called Santander Scholarships Language UK English Summer Experience 2023, takes place through a partnership with the British Council, an international organization in the United Kingdom. See more about below.

UK scholarships

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Banco Santander, in partnership with an English international organization, the British Council, has opened applications for 100 scholarships to study in the United Kingdom until January 30th. The opportunity is not to be missed and will provide accommodation, tickets and a three-week English course.

The program was called Santander Scholarships Language UK English Summer Experience 2023 and takes place in partnership with the British Council. The course will take its classes on the campuses of the Universities of Coventry, East Anglia and Sheffield.

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The course will open opportunities for people from 11 different countries, namely, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, United Kingdom and Uruguay and will take place between the 1st of July to the 17th of August. Those who are approved will be informed by the British Council of the exact date the course will start and the university from which they have been selected.

The program is incredible and will serve as a unique and essential experience to bring you a differential in the language. During the course, students will benefit from daily classes with tutors adapted to the level of each student. In addition, students will also enjoy cultural and social activities to help them immerse themselves in everyday life on a British University Campus. At the end of the course, students received their participation certificates.

How to apply?

To apply is very simple, the student just needs to be between 18 and 30 years old and intermediate knowledge in English. It is not necessary to be a Santander customer and it is not necessary to have a university degree.

Those who are interested can access the website of the Santander Universities.

What do you need to have?

If you are approved, you must have your passport valid until March 2024, a visa to enter the country and medical insurance with coverage in the United Kingdom.

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