In 2022, workers will be able to count on the amounts that are forgotten in the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) and not PIS/PASEP. Caixa Econômica Federal has four types of withdrawals available to citizens. We are talking about money which has already been released previously, but which the collaborators have not yet withdrawn.
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Resources refer to:
• Base year salary allowance 2019;
• 2020 base year salary bonus;
• PIS/Pasep Fund Quotas;
• Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS).
Forgotten FGTS money
The forgotten FGTS money is destined to workers who have been unemployed for at least three years, or who are working informally.
According to what is mentioned in the FGTS Law (Law 8.036/90), workers who have been working for at least three uninterrupted years without a work record in their portfolio and have some amount in the FGTS account will be able to withdraw the amount fully. Thus, if this is your case, the first thing to do is check if there is any balance available for withdrawal in your FGTS account.
To carry out the FGTS balance check is very simple. The user must install the FGTS app that is available for Android and iOS smartphones and log in through their account.
If you have any account value, you can withdraw it in your birthday month. To do so, you will have to go to a Caixa agency and present an official identity document, the your PIS/Pasep/NIS number and your CTPS indicating that you have not been registered for employment for at least three years.
Forgotten PIS/Pasep money
If you have PIS/Pasep money, you will have three possibilities, two of which are related to the salary bonus and the other to PIS/Pasep Fund quotas.
Salary allowance 2019
Approximately 320,000 workers did not withdraw the 2019 PIS/Pasep allowance, which means an amount of approximately R$ 208 million not redeemed.
The Federal Government started, on March 31, the deadline to make the request for the values, and withdrawals are authorized until December 29.
To be able to access the benefit, it is imperative that the worker meets the requirements below:
• Be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years;
• Having received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages during the base year of 2019;
• Have performed paid activity for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in the base year of 2019;
• Updated data in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS)/eSocial.
To apply for the benefit, you must go to an agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. However, there are some other options, such as:
• Through the Alô Trabalhador center, by telephone 158;
• Through a text by e-mail, at the address [email protected], replacing the letters 'uf' with the abbreviation of the state in which you reside;
• Through the Digital Work Card (CTPS) application; or
• Through the Portal
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