The presence of a baby in the dream can have different meanings.

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Many people believe that dreaming about a baby means new paths, beginnings and renewal. But dreaming about them can also symbolize concern for the future and preparation for upcoming situations. There are several meanings for the presence of the baby in the dreams.

Interpreting a dream requires a personal analysis

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Having a baby in your dream can have different meanings depending on each situation to understand which aspect it is related to. We list a few below:

1. Dream about the baby of close people

For the neuroscientist and psychiatrist Natália Mota, this can be a way for your brain putting together all known information related to the odds of someone you know having a baby. For them, this does not mean a prediction, just a visualization of a possible future.

For example, if a close friend moves forward in a relationship, the dream of a baby may arise, as your brain understands that there is an increased probability of this happening.

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2. a new project

For astrologers and numerologists, the presence of a baby in the dream can represent the beginning of something new. Depending on the dreamer, this new project can be related to several areas, such as professional, personal and love.

Scholars claim that, to understand the meaning, the person must check aspects of their life that do not leave them satisfied or need to start over.

The numerologist, astrologer, tarologist and philosopher Yubertson Miranda suggests some interpretations related to the baby's presence in the dream and the development of a project. Check the following list:

  • A baby on your lap: The person needs to devote attention to the new project or relationship.
  • A baby smiling: The happiness contained in the baby's smile can demonstrate satisfaction with the new project.
  • A dead baby: In this case, death appears in order to draw attention to the need to properly nurture the project or relationship.

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