Google launches new glasses that do simultaneous translation

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Google recently revealed the launch of a pair of glasses that translate conversations in real time. The technological novelty was presented in a video to the company's developers at Google I/O at a conference. However, the novelty still does not have a date to hit the market. The glasses are shown in the video being worn by people who speak different languages ​​and there are subtitles with translations during use. Check out more information!

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First release was a prototype

The company had already launched, in 2013, its first glasses, called Google Glass, which can display information on small screens, above the lenses, in augmented reality (AR) environments. The device ended up being “retired” after two years and thus only served as a prototype.

Google's new smart glasses

Google hopes to break down the barriers created by different languages ​​and make it easier for people to communicate with the new glasses. According to the company, the novelty is the result of years of research. This is a breakthrough of a world-renowned tool, Google Translate.

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Simultaneous translation technology available

With the technology provided by Google, people will no longer need to refer to other translation devices in the middle of a conversation when wearing the glasses. Also, according to the video provided by the company, the design is very similar to regular glasses.

The suggestion is that glasses are a tool used by people who travel to other countries and do not master the language. In addition, it can also be used in daily work, such as during a job interview or any other need.

Little release information

However, no further information about the device's operation, software, hardware and battery life was provided. Also, it is not possible to predict when the glasses will be available for purchase.

This novelty has already caught the attention of many fans of Google's products and services, becoming a step that can allow other tech giants (like Apple and Meta) compete to see who can launch the best smart glasses first.

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